When and how do you know that a kiss is a perfect one?Today i thought about it and i fall asleep because of the cold!I'm sick but I can`t help myself writing about the perfect kiss!<3
So...the perfect kiss is the one you've been waiting for since forever,but still takes you by suprize:)
It's long enough for you to feel it on your lips for days in a row,but short enough to take your breath away without leaving you with no air.
At first it feels reaaaaallly light and then you just can't pull away.
The time passes very slowly and very fast at the same...
And it ends when either one of you can't hold his smile anymore:)
And then you keep thinking about it every time you can't go to sleep,and dream the nicest dream ever...
You just have to wait for it!
...am avut acest sarut perfect si frumos:x